Last Tuesday, my cat insisted that spring had arrived. Time to clean up. Please tidy up the cellar, clear out the clutter!
When I went to the cellar, in front of the staircase door at the entrance to the house, I felt an emptiness. There were jackets, shoes, a mirror, bags of rubbish to take away, but on the wall above the door there was nothing, just emptiness. Before we declutter the cellar, let's fix this problem! Let's choose a door crowning :
a tidy fishmonger's the door-crownings
Then I go down to the cellar. My cat was right! How many things have accumulated over the year?
My granny's scales
Do you find this just ?
the wood lathe of my grandpa
a head-lathe
and my daughter's battery, which she gave up when she emigrated to New Zealand
the drums of Caroline the bagatelles
JI'm looking at the opening times for the waste collection centre. Closed on Mondays. Right, tomorrow at 9am ...