In times of COVID-19, in absence of cultural events in presence  (bagatelles

e trake our time, we have a rare and precious occasion to deepen all by ourselfs some complementary,

edentary arguments of our arts and crafts :

in this case the diptychs, the triptychs.

The basic intention was to provoke single elements

of our imagination to meet in a common frame,

to look for possible successions, confrontations, implementations.

This opens various scripts :

For instance a narrative solution that suggests

a chronology, sometimes to be read

in reverse order. Little Bang 


Or a complementary solution that 

opposes two elements of a

common topic,



Or an associative solution that joins

different elements in a

common context. 

My comics



... and so forth.

Almost naturally this purpose leads us to inquire about the correlations between different esthetic choices and allows us to proup some works in a new gallery : Contamination  contamination

The works of this gallery have something in common : they draw their vocabulary contemporarily from two different wells. On one hand the geometry, the mathematics, nuclear and quantic physiques, fractals a.s.f., a rigourous approach to composition and, on the other hand from a strategy of game, of improvisation, a more playfull and acrobat line, that, by the way, requires a similar amount of instruction. Robert Schumann (1810 – 1856) called his two spirits “Eusebius” and “Florestan”. C.G. Jung (1875 - 1961) definded them as conscoient and unconscient.

The perspective of this way of twinning is however not the construction of an ultimate synthesis, but rather to create ocasinal frictions, meetings and happenins between two neighbours who do not necessarily smoke the same brand of cigarettes nor do they have to be smokers at all (or at the most of underwater-cigarettes).

Just fancy to be a rock on the mediterranian shore. Clear sky, little mistral, some few seagulls, what is to do ? I prepare a sketch for my hopothetic cloud. Okay, for the moment it is a little rough (don't call it intellectual). Let's refine our drafts !