A group of three galleries of figurative content, relied by the representation of human figure, in ironical key. Daily jobs, never really resolved.
my lizard
The chaps
150 €
an efficient fan
The chaps
150 €
The chaps
wall cyclisme
The chaps
mixed technique
I beg you 3
The chaps
150 €
jogging with my duck Erika
The chaps
150 €
I present you my ducks Emma, Enza and Elena
The chaps
150 €
my cat-fish 3
The chaps
mixed technique
I won't get under pressure!
The chaps
mixed technique
The chaps
mixed technique
weight-lifter 2
The chaps
150 €
expansive idea
The chaps
mixed technique
I bring the clothes pegs
The chaps
mixed technique
The chaps
150 €
my fish-cat 2
The chaps
mixed technique
blast, what a weight!
The chaps
mixed technique
the book of islands
The chaps
mixed technique
The chaps
mixed technique
I beg you! 2
The chaps
150 €
I beg you!
The chaps
mixed technique
I have just married Miss Pressure
The chaps
mixed technique
Psh! She's sleeping. (Once and a while she has nightmares)
The chaps
150 €
Psh! She's sleeping. (Once and a while she snores.)
The chaps
150 €
I won't get under pressure!
The chaps
mixed technique
My cat-fish!
The chaps
mixed technique
I bring back the Lyon sausage. Meldewy!
The chaps
150 €
water-diviner 1
The chaps
150 €
The chaps
resin, copper, brass, piano hammers
the idea!
The chaps
150 €
water-diviner 2
The chaps
resin, copper, brass, piano hammers
the foot! 2
The chaps
mixed technique
the foot!
The chaps
150 €
The chaps
150 €
soap bubbles, olives and the Charle de Gaulle
My comics
relief in mixed technique
The red mullet is the reincarnation of Mister Spock 1
My comics
relief in mixed technique
The red mullet is the reincarnation of Mister Spock 2
My comics
relief in mixed technique
An Australian prayer
My comics
relief in mixed technique
The visit of Elton John
My comics
relief in mixed technique
Sailing never interested me
My comics
relief in mixed technique
time flies away
My comics
relief in mixed technique
My comics
My comics
sunset in Pachino
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
yes, it's a meteorite!
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
let's water!
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
heaven's door
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
the low wall
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
mediterranean gym class
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
the kite
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
yes, I tied up the horse!
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
and then it's our turn
My comics
relief in mixed technique
and in between?
My comics
relief in mixed technique
watch your buttock!
My comics
relief in mixed technique
cable car to heaven
My comics
relief in mixed technique
street-art 2
My comics
relief in mixed technique
red dream 1
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
the last hole
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
Do you egg your head for a simple drop of blood?
My comics
mixed technique
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
a convict
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
white river 1: will she save her?
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
white river 2: what does he think up?
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
BWSV 1004
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
interstellar swim
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
Sisyphus whit a cat a few miles from Cyprus
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
fetch your fish!
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
Me with a cat on the night of Saint John
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
daddy and son (with an owl) go for a walk
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
daddy and son (with an owl) go fishing
My comics
sculpture in mixed techniquesculpture in mixed technique
two balls!
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
My comics
sunset in Pachino
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
yes, it's a meteorite!
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
let's water!
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
heaven's door
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
the low wall
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
mediterranean gym class
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
the kite
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
yes, I tied up the horse!
My comics
sculpture in mixed technique
My comics
the triangle
Platonic polyhedrons
sculpture in mixed technique 400 €
on two feet
Platonic polyhedrons
sculpture in mixed technique 300 €
somebody wants to be the boss
Platonic polyhedrons
sculpture in mixed technique
fishing in the Jura
Platonic polyhedrons
sculpture in mixed technique
marin cushions
Platonic polyhedrons
sculpture in mixed technique
rotating cube
Platonic polyhedrons
sculpture in brass,and wood with marble
five one and a half sized human brains
Platonic polyhedrons
sculpture in wood and brass
platonic mist-wall
Platonic polyhedrons
sculpture in mixed technique
Platonic polyhedrons
my first sketch
Atmospheric phenomenons
300 €
the cloud of Egg-Island
Atmospheric phenomenons
300 €
the fake volcano
Atmospheric phenomenons
lightning on the volcano-beach
Atmospheric phenomenons
400 €
lightning on the careenage slopee
Atmospheric phenomenons
450 €
baptism of the new lightning-boat
Atmospheric phenomenons
300 €
Sicilian haze
Atmospheric phenomenons
450 €
hanging lighthouse
Atmospheric phenomenons
450 €
hail on the two harbours!
Atmospheric phenomenons
Provençal haze
Atmospheric phenomenons
Provençal breezes
Atmospheric phenomenons
300 €
The coming-out of the black lightning
Atmospheric phenomenons
my imaginary trip to Egypt 3
My imaginary tripto Egypte
drawings/ collages
my imaginary trip to Egypt 1
My imaginary tripto Egypte
drawings/ collages
my imaginary trip to Egypt 2
My imaginary tripto Egypte
drawings/ collages
my imaginary trip to Egypt 4
My imaginary tripto Egypte
drawings/ collages
my imaginary trip to Egypt 5
My imaginary tripto Egypte
drawings/ collages